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Gave statements at the hearings on 06 February 2012 (PM) and 09 February 2012 (PM) ; and submitted 13 pieces of evidence
06 February 2012PM
Paul Dacre gave a statement at this hearing
09 February 2012PM
Max Clifford , Paul Dacre and Michelle Stanistreet gave statements at this hearing
Exhibit SPS4 to ws of Sir Paul Stephenson 20.02.12
Evidence for witness Sir Paul Stephenson
Oral Evidence given by Paul Dacre
Oral Evidence for witness Paul Dacre
Oral Evidence given by Paul Dacre
Oral Evidence for witness Paul Dacre
Fifth Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Schedule 2 to ws of Paul Dacre
Evidence for witness Associated Newspapers Ltd
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Schedule 2 to ws of Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Schedule 1 to ws of Paul Dacre
Evidence for witness Associated Newspapers Ltd
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Schedule 1 to ws of Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Fourth Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Third Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Schedule 2 to Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Supporting Evidence for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Schedule 1 to Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Supporting Evidence for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement for witness Associated Newspapers Ltd
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Submission by Paul Dacre
Supporting Evidence for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
Supplemental Witness Statement of Paul Dacre
Witness Statement for witness Paul Dacre
This witness has not given permission for this document to be included in Discover Leveson. It can be viewed at the National Archives here: National Archive
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