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24 April 2012AM
James Murdoch gave a statement at this hearing
Exhibit JL1 to Witness Statement of John Lyon
Witness Statement for witness John Lyon
04 April 2012PM
Sir Keir Starmer QC gave a statement at this hearing
04 April 2012AM
01 March 2012AM
Peter Clarke and John Yates gave statements at this hearing
01 March 2012PM
Andy Hayman gave a statement at this hearing
09 December 2011PM
Richard Thomas gave a statement at this hearing
28 February 2012PM
Nick Davies and Christopher Jefferies gave statements at this hearing
09 December 2011AM
Richard Thomas gave a statement at this hearing
Exhibit PWH2
Evidence for witness Peter Hill
Exhibit PWH2
Evidence for witness Northern and Shell
Exhibit TM 1
Evidence for witness Theresa May MP
06 February 2012AM
DAC Sue Akers , Nick Owens and Dan Wooton gave statements at this hearing
06 September 2011AM
John Kampfner gave a statement at this hearing
23 November 2011PM
Dr Gerry McCann , Dr Kate McCann and Tom Rowland gave statements at this hearing
09 July 2012AM
Lord Black of Brentwood gave a statement at this hearing
28 May 2012AM
Tony Blair gave a statement at this hearing
14 June 2012AM
David Cameron gave a statement at this hearing
25 June 2012AM
Andrew Grice , Peter Riddell and Philip Webster gave statements at this hearing
09 July 2012PM
Lord Hunt of Wirral gave a statement at this hearing
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