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Submission by Dr Nafeez Ahmed on behalf of Unitas Communications
Evidence for witness Dr Nafeez Ahmed
Exhibit DG4
Evidence for witness Deborah Glass
Exhibit DG4
Exhibit DG4
Evidence for witness Jane Furniss
08 December 2011AM
16 January 2012AM
Richard Wallace and Tina Weaver gave statements at this hearing
17 May 2012AM
Peter Oborne gave a statement at this hearing
Second Submission by Engage
Evidence for witness Inayat Bunglawala
Second Submission by Engage
Evidence for witness ENGAGE
Second Submission from The Irish Traveller Movement April 2012
Evidence for witness The Irish Traveller Movement
Representation of Women and Minorities
Chapter: Criticisms of the Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press | Part: The Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press: The Press and the Public

29 May 2012PM
Michael Gove MP gave a statement at this hearing
29 May 2012AM
Theresa May MP gave a statement at this hearing
17 January 2012PM
Chris Elliott , Alan Rusbridger and John Witherow gave statements at this hearing
Exhibit BBC4
Evidence for witness BBC
Exhibit BBC5
Evidence for witness BBC
Submission by Media Wise Trust
Evidence for witness MediaWise Trust
Exhibit SA R1 1
Evidence for witness Press Complaints Commission
Exhibit SA R1 1
Evidence for witness Stephen Abell
Contents: Volume II
Chapter: The Announcement | Part: The Inquiry

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